To provide more comprehensive and diverse services and products, the gaming platform, under the laws of your jurisdiction, hereby complies with the provisions of the Personal Data Protection Act to collect, use, manage, and provide your personal information to service providers or affiliated companies. This is done to ensure a better service quality and to monitor and ensure the absolute diligence and confidentiality of employees when handling data.

1. Purpose of Collecting Personal Data

When using the gaming platform, you may be required to provide some personal information to continue using the platform's membership-related services. The main purposes of collecting personal information include:
(1) Verify the identity of the gaming platform's members - Therefore, during registration, information such as name, ID number, address, email, etc., will be collected.
(2) Provide gaming platform services and support - This includes contact information (address or email), which will be used to provide you with the latest information on products and services in response to your requests.
(3) Post opinions in forums or respond to surveys - The company will collect email addresses or names for this purpose.
(4) Conduct data statistics for quality service - Usage data related to services may be used for comprehensive statistical data and analysis to tailor content that is most suitable and user-friendly.
(5) Marketing purposes – Including direct contact or notification of the latest information through various channels. While we strive to choose reputable partners for service provision, the platform's privacy protection does not cover data provided directly to third parties (buyers/sellers on online auctions, online stores, or other linked websites). The gaming platform recommends consulting the guidelines of these parties before providing any personal information.

2. Categories of Collected Data Content
(1) Basic information: Such as name, gender, date of birth, ID number, passport number, phone, address, email, marital status, guardian's name, or other information that can directly or indirectly identify you. Original or photocopies may be required when necessary.
(2) Account information: Such as financial institution account numbers, credit card numbers, transaction information, and other financial situations. Original or photocopies may be required when necessary.

3. Period of Personal Data Utilization
The gaming platform may use your data during the operational period.

4. Geographical Utilization of Personal Data
The gaming platform utilizes your personal data globally.

5. Disclosure of Collected Data
You acknowledge and authorize the gaming platform to retain and store all the data you provide in one or more databases controlled by the company. This data will be kept under strict security and confidentiality standards. However, exceptions include:
(1) Gaming platform employees who have undergone formal training to handle customer data and are authorized.
(2) Service providers offering support services. These suppliers are contractually bound to comply with the privacy standards listed in this document.
(3) Any person required by applicable laws, government, or regulatory regulations for data disclosure.
(4) In the event of company business restructuring, reorganization, or similar situations, any assignee or transferee benefiting the company's interests.
(5) Individuals or entities you transact with through the gaming platform service, such as payment services, banks, financial institutions, etc.
(6) The gaming platform reserves the right to disclose your personal information to specific individuals in the following situations:
(a) The gaming platform has sufficient reason to believe that disclosing the information is necessary for identification or communication with you.
(b) Violation of the gaming platform website or product terms of use, etc., or if your actions cause harm or interference to the gaming platform website, rights, products, or other users; or if legal action is taken against you due to damage or interference.
(c) The gaming platform has sufficient reason to believe that you are involved in fraud, or other illegal or default behavior.
(7) You may discover that advertisers or other websites linked to the gaming platform may collect your personal information. This privacy policy does not apply to such advertisers or other websites, and we cannot control their actions.

6. Impact of Not Providing or Providing False Information
(1) When joining the gaming platform website or applying for other services that require personal information, if the information provided is insufficient for the gaming platform to confirm the authenticity of your identity, the platform may suspend your service. If, after your correction, authenticity can be confirmed, the platform will resume your service. If your identity authenticity cannot be confirmed, the platform will be unable to process your request.
(2) When joining the gaming platform website or applying for other services that allow the arbitrary entry of personal information, you are free to choose whether to provide it. However, you may be unable to use services or specific products that require registration or related information (such as subscribing to newsletters, birthday offers, etc.). Additionally, in the event of account impersonation or data theft, if you do not provide or provide false information, preventing the confirmation of your identity authenticity, the gaming platform will be unable to process your request.

7. User Choices
The gaming platform may periodically provide users with the latest information or communications that occur without your request via email. If you do not wish to receive such communications in the future, you can email our customer relations personnel, who will remove your name from the contact list for such communications. We will only retain your contact details to provide customer services, such as notifying you of the latest promotions or changes to member services.

8. Use of "Cookies" to Collect Data
We may use "Cookies files" to collect user usage data, facilitating their reuse of the service when revisiting the website. "Cookies files" are small pieces of data sent by the web server, stored in the web browser for later reading from that browser. Currently, data collected from "Cookies files" is used to enhance service functionality. The data provided by the gaming platform service is based on the accumulated usage of the service by users, and it is then analyzed, organized, and arranged. "Cookies files" also help make the login process smoother and faster and retain data during the call.

You can disable the "Cookies files" feature on your browser without affecting your navigation of the gaming platform website. However, "Cookies files" do make our service more convenient. Disabling the "Cookies files" feature may complicate usage and involve more input procedures. Also, please note that clearing "Cookies files" may affect certain functions of the gaming platform service.

9. Data Security
We are committed to the security of the collected data and have implemented measures to prevent unauthorized access or use of such data. The gaming platform's system uses appropriate security agreements for authentication and authorization to ensure the security of electronic communications. Nevertheless, we are not responsible for any violation of security measures or unauthorized disclosure or use of such data.

10. User Posting Notice
Any place on the gaming platform accessible to the general public may be indexed by search engines. If you choose to disclose personal information in publicly accessible places, users should exercise extra caution. The company will not review the content (including but not limited to text, images, music, videos, software, information, and various data) transmitted, posted, or published by users in any form or substance and does not guarantee its correctness, completeness, security, or reliability. Users should consider the risks of using content provided by other members themselves.

11. Privacy Policy Updates
We are very concerned about user privacy issues and recognize that when the company provides new features or business services, there is a need to update this policy. Users will be notified of such modifications before the policy is amended.

12. Your Rights
confirmation by the gaming platform that you are the person in question, you may assert the following regarding your personal data:
(1) Inquire whether the company holds any of your personal data.
(2) Review the data held by the company.
(3) Request correction of your data.
(4) Understand the policies and practices that the company periodically implements regarding the data held and its types.
(5) Prohibit access to or use of your data and request information on the actions the gaming platform takes regarding any of the above requests. The gaming platform reserves the right to charge reasonable fees for complying with the above requests.
(6) Access, Correct, and Delete Your Personal Information: You have the right to access, correct, or delete the personal information we collect. To protect the privacy and security of your personal information, we may ask you for data to confirm your identity and your right to access such data, as well as to search for and provide the personal data we maintain. In certain circumstances, applicable laws or regulatory requirements may allow or require us to refuse to provide or delete some or all of the personal information we maintain. To exercise your rights, you can update your customer account on the website or application, or you can contact our dedicated email. If we believe that changes would violate any law or legal requirement or cause information to be incorrect, we may not meet your request to delete or change information.

13. Facebook Information Collection and Removal Notice
(1) When users use Facebook authorization to log in to the application, we collect the user's email and personal public information, mainly for account creation and personalized services.
(2) If users delete the game application or remove app authorization in Facebook settings and privacy, we will delete all user information.
(3) If users no longer use Facebook authorization to log in, they can contact us to delete the application's Facebook authorization data content, which cannot be recovered once deleted.

14. Contact Us
(1) Email: